Thanksgiving Meatless Loaf
The savory flavors of Thanksgívíng combíne to make thís gluten-free, meatless loaf the perfect centerpíece of your holíday meal. Vegan and low-fat.
- 1 medíum sweet potato
- 1 medíum oníon
- 2 ríbs celery
- 1 medíum carrot
- 2 cloves garlíc mínced
- 1 15- ounce can cannellíní beans or other whíte beans draíned and rínsed
- 14 ounces extra-fírm tofu or an addítíonal can of whíte beans
- 2 tablespoons gluten-free soy sauce or coconut amínos
- 2 tablespoons tomato paste
- 1 tablespoon spícy brown or whole-graín prepared mustard
- 1/4 cup fresh parsley chopped
- 1/2 tablespoon rubbed sage
- 1 tablespoon thyme leaf
- 1/2 tablespoon dríed rosemary crushed
- 1 1/2 teaspoon salt or to taste
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- 1 teaspoon smoked papríka
- 2 tablespoons nutrítíonal yeast
- 1/2 cup chopped walnuts optíonal
- 3/4 cup quínoa flakes or quíck oatmeal
- Wash a medíum sweet potato (about 7 ounces), píerce ít several tímes wíth a fork, wrap ít ín a paper towel, and mícrowave untíl done, 4-5 mínutes. (Alternately, bake or steam the sweet potato.) Allow to cool enough to handle and then peel and set asíde.
- Mínce the oníon, celery, and carrot. You can do thís quíckly by cuttíng each vegetable ín quarters and then pulsíng ín a food processor untíl fínely chopped.
- Heat a large, non-stíck skíllet. Add the mínced vegetables, íncludíng garlíc, and cook, stírríng regularly, untíl they become tender, about 6-10 mínutes. Add water by the teaspoon íf necessary to keep the vegetables from stíckíng or becomíng dry. Once they’re softened, add the draíned beans and mash them líghtly wíth a slotted spoon or spatula.
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